Friday, January 23, 2009

A New Look!

Hey, everyone, I made over my blog! I was getting tired of the old look and wanted something a little bit more hip and cool....and I found this template. Awesome, isn't it?

I wanted a new look to go with my new outlook. I've been doing a lot of soul searching recently and I just feel so much more peaceful inside. So....every thing's good (even with rejection after rejection!). :)

More writing updates. More story ideas are in progress (what, again?) and I finally have a dedication for Help! My Parents Are From Outer Space! I had a hard time finding out who to dedicate it to, so I asked one of my friends if he'd want it dedicated to him (no one else I know really likes SF all that much) and he accepted.

Anyway, with three completed manuscripts and two in editing, I'm looking for my next story to write. I'm teetering with two: another MG sci-fi called (tentatively) Space Kids or a YA fantasy called The Prophecy. I don't know which one to choose yet.


Leon1234 said...

Hey, this looks great!:) How are you doing?

Madison said...

Thanks! Doin' fine. Just writing and doing my schoolwork. :)

Anonymous said...

the white letters on the lighest blue at the top is hard to even see at all on my laptop, but otherwize very nice. lotsa writers were using the other template so i'm glad it's more unique. it shocked me at first but i'll catch up. :D

Ray Veen said...

Tell us about the YA fantasy. That's right up my alley.

Madison said...

Yeah, Sarah, I think I should change that. It really is hard to read!

And don't worry, V, I will! :)

Marian Perera said...

Hey Madison,

The blog looks cool, but I sometimes find it difficult to read small light-colored letters on a dark background. It might just be me, though.

Madison said...

Thanks for the advice, Marian! :)