Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sapphire Pic

Here's my Photoshop picture of Sapphire. She's pretty, no?

I am in chapter five in the first book of her series, The Unicorn Queen. I have already come up with all her adventures and the titles for each book (subject to change). Here they are:
1. The New Queen's Challenge
2. A Silent Killer
3. The Marred Unicorn
4. Gallop of Life or Death
5. Innocents and Facades
6. A Betrayer In Our Midst
7. A Journey Through the Sea
8. She Is Not the Queen!
9. The Temple Secrets
10. The Blackest Night
11. Sapphire Comes to Earth
12. A Human Goes to Harlindale
13. Kroboth's War
So, what do you think?


Anonymous said...

i'd read those books if i saw the titles on a shelf. i'm a title reader, i go to a section and read until i see a good title.

Madison said...

Thanks, Sarah! That's a GREAT compliment!! :D