Monday, February 16, 2009

Literary Updates

OK, I'm going to update you all on all of my stories and their statuses so far:

The Ultimate Evil: Submitted to 17 agents and rejected by 11. Do not believe query will hook remaining agents. Once I have heard back (or not) from all of them, this story is going to be put on hold for revamping. It's missing something, but I can't pinpoint it yet.

Khaladin: Submitted to 26 agents and has been rejected 10 times. This story I will query till I have exhausted all options. May re-write my query before querying more agents, though. It might not be reading as well as I thought. Plan on submitting to all e-mail query friendly agents first before going to snail mail agents (I am in the process of moving, so that's why I have it this way).

Help! My Parents Are From Outer Space!: Never rejected! OK, so that's because it's never been submitted. But the query letter is done, should I ever need it. This story is still in editing, but not in need of a major overhaul that I can see at this point.

The Unicorn Queen: All 13 adventures have been planned and all major characters formulated. The first five chapters of book one are complete. I plan to write all the adventures and then go back and edit them. I will not pitch this series till every book is complete, which I don't think will take too long. I'm hoping each story will be around 15K-20K.

So, that's it. I'll update again when I have something new to report. Till then, happy writing! :D


Ray Veen said...

Sounds very strategic and organized. You're doing things right.

(You've had people crit your queries, right?)

Madison said...

Oh, yes. The people on AW are AWESOME! But I didn't really know how to pitch The Ultimate Evil the best way and I don't think they did either. Maybe when it gets rewritten I'll be able to do better.

And thanks for the compliment. My writing is one of the few areas where I'm organized! :D

Anita said...

Thanks for the update...I look forward to following your progress!

Madison said...

Thanks so much! That's very encouraging! :D