Tuesday, December 9, 2008

OK, So I Might Not Reach My Goal

This post isn't near as depressing as the title suggests. I've been working my butt off in Khaladin, am in chapter 19, and only have about 20,000 words down. I'm past the halfway point in my plot (I think) so I'm not sure I'll make my 60K goal. But hey, that's all right. Most MG books are 20K to 40K, so I'm good.

I did a picture of Khaladin in Photoshop, but this stupid Blogger won't let me load it. The "Sorry, this page cannot be displayed" keeps coming up after it's loaded the picture, which, of course, it hasn't. So, if I ever figure it out, I'll show you what Khaladin looks like. Since I have also created photos of Arvil from The Ultimate Evil, I could share those as well. But alas, I am no computer genius. I'm not really even computer smart, which is pretty lame considering the fact that I like (and write!) science fiction. What can I say, I'm a dork! (and I love it too!) :)


Ian said...

May I suggest uploading the pictures to an external image host and just linking to them :). You could give Flickr.com a try.

Madison said...

Do you have to join? I don't want to join something I'm not going to use very often.

Ian said...

yeah but ok use tinypic.com then :P no joining there

Madison said...
