Monday, December 1, 2008

December Already?!?

Yeah, I can't believe that this is the last month of 2008. Has this year gone by incredibly fast or what?

So, I have already made two new year's resolutions and since they have to do with writing, I am going to post them here and all of you can help me stay on track.

Resolution #1: Find an agent for The Ultimate Evil.

It's taken me a little over two years to fully complete this novel. A long time to me, but very fast for a 53K novel from draft to completion. Of course, it's taken me longer than that to write this story. I created the character of Arvil when I was eight years old. That's eleven years ago!
Finding the agent will not be hard, considering I've found several to query. Snagging the agent's going to be a little more difficult. Cross your fingers for me! Queries will go out after the first of the year!

Resolution #2: Finish the first draft (at least) of Khaladin.

OK, I know, I've never mentioned the title before, but all of you know the story. At least, I told you that it was MG unicorn book. I'm hoping it will reach 60K and I already have 10K down. Yes, I'm one sixth of the way through! :-) I'll post more details on the story later....I need some help on a few things.


Ray Veen said...

Let me know if you need any help with your query or query list, Madison. I don't know if you've done much querying in the past but it can be brutal and heartbreaking.

It's all worth it in the end.

Madison said...

I sent out my first query when I was 15. Ever since then, they've all been rejections, but I try to look at them positively.

Thanks so much for your offer to help! That's very nice of you! :-)

Liz said...

I stumbled upon this site while looking for some book sites for my teen-age daughter, who loves to read, loves to write and loves fantasy. She's written a book, too, but it was in 7th grade, and she thinks it's no good. I think she should save it a while, and maybe revise. We'll see.

She mentioned some books the other day that she's been loving -- including the ever-popular Tamora Pierce (we met her once at a book signing -- she was actually kind of rude to me, but delightful to my daughter), and a new series by a David Field. She's so enjoying the Field books -- it's a trilogy that involves time travel, lots of humor and twists and turns. I so love to see my kids getting involved in good books.

And good luck with yours!

Madison said...

I'm hoping that kids can truly see the power in a good book. That's why I started writing (in my six year old mind). I wanted to make reading fun, and still do! :-)

Kimber Li said...

You go! (((sigh))) I'm still trying to formulate my writing goals for 2009. I'd planned on starting to polish my next one, a steampunkish YA Historical, on New Year's Day, but now I just don't know.

Madison said...

Don't worry, you'll figure it out! :-) Good luck!

Ian said...

Yeah December has come really fast. I haven't even thought of making any resolutions yet and I don't know if I will.

I could say I'm going to try and be less pessimistic as a resolution but that won't workout so well haha.

Madison said...

Just pray about it, Ian! You can do anything you set your mind to! :)