Tuesday, April 5, 2011

So, It's Been A Loooooooooooooooong Time!

Hey, guys! Whoa! Last I was on here, I had like, 12 followers. Now 42?!? That's exciting! Lets see, what's new? Ok, reason #1 for not posting often: school. I'm still a full time college student. Reason #2: More stuff at work. For those of you who have been reading for a while, you know I work at a barn. I have recently taken over a lot of the barn management and that takes up a lot of time! But here's the cool thing: I'm currently in a creative writing class at school. And guess what? My grade average so far for that class is only less than 2 points off 100. It's pretty awesome! So, I still love to write and for those of you who know a bit about it, I am still working on my middle grade fantasy novel, Khaladin. I still have plans for publication, you know hehehe :) Anyway, that's all for now! Oh, and I have a new blog: http://luvsmyponies.blogspot.com. This blog is a bit more up-to-date since it has to do with my career. Ok, ciao for now! :)


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visiting here with a smile.. do visits me back when you are free... XD

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Amir Fahmy said...


how can you have so much followers... ihate that. but congrats.

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