Sunday, November 9, 2008


So, I have now left sunny Florida and have now returned to chilly NC. My trip was great... wonderful, actually, since it sparked so many new story ideas and I was writing like crazy. In an earlier post I mentioned that I had submitted a work to Highlights magazine. They sent me a very nice rejection letter, saying that the only reason they did not accept was because the story did not suit their current needs. That's fine. I filed my rejection letter away with all the others.

A lot of authors and writers look at rejection letters as being depressing, but I don't. With every single one I get closer and closer to receiving that "Yes, we want YOU!" letter. So I'll keep typing away and pressing forward!

About rejection letters. Are you like me with them or do you simply despise them and think that whoever read your work couldn't see talent if it jumped up and bit them on the nose?


Ian said...

Glad to have ya back :)

Madison said...

Thanks! It was good to see you today. I swear, you've grown like two inches in just one month. Are you trying to reach seven feet? HAHA JK! :-)

Ian said...

it was good to see you too! :) but nah not 7 feet maybe 6'9 haha jk :P

WH said...

It's a numbers game. The more you send out, the greater the chances of success. Some letters from editors and agents are really cool, personal, and helpful. Others show they didn't even read the query or sample. Writer friends of mine used to make wallpaper out of the hundreds of rejection letters they'd received.

Madison said...

Hey, that's a cool idea! Great way to mock them when you succeed and remind you of how far you've come.