Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My Dream Box

OK, so I have started something new. I call it my Dream Box.

I have a lot of dreams, goals, and accomplishments I want to achieve in my lifetime. So last night I emptied out a little box and started writing these things out on tiny slips of paper. Some I have to fight to make come true, like getting published and becoming a licensed physical therapy assisstant and others are ones that may or may not come true but I wrote them down anyway, like going to Ireland and meeting Leonard Nimoy.

I want to keep track of everything I want to happen in my life and my Dream Box helps me do that.

But what happens when one of my dreams comes true?

Then I will take it out of the box and write down what it was and the date it came true on. I want to be able to keep track of this so that throughout my life I can see just how hard I am fighting for what I want. It's also good to show that dreams can come true.

Of course, some dreams might get modified with time, I might add others, or remove those that I realize I don't want anymore. But I think this is a good practice and I look forward to logging all my dreams that come true. Because I know at least some will. :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Back To Normal

No more is there silence between the literary agents and me. The rejection letters are now pouring in. The silence was unnerving, but it's good to know that my email works. But I still hope that someone will read Khaladin. :)

I also might not have writer's block anymore. I am working on a new story called A Moment In Time. It's a science fiction story that's kinda in a weird market. My main character is too old for this book to be young adult, but she's kinda young for the adult market. She's around 21, 22...I haven't made up my mind yet. But it's going pretty good. I've got the first two chapters written (I love chapter one) and I hope it sounds good. I'm thinking about posting the first chapter on AW to see how it goes.

Anyway, that's it for now! ttyl! :)

Monday, August 17, 2009

School Started Today

As you can tell from the title of this post, I am now in school again. I am very glad of that, but unfortunately it cuts into writing time. However, I am still searching for a literary agent for Khaladin. I submitted to 14 agents last night and already recieved a rejection.

So, because of school, I don't know how active I will be on here. But please don't go away. I'll still be here popping up, so always feel free to stop by and see if there's anything new.

I'll keep you updated on how the literary agent hunting goes. Happy writing! :)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Keeping My Promise

So, I said that when I got some pics of me riding, I'd show them to you. Well, here they are! I'm riding Gordon, a wonderful, if a little lazy, American Quarter Horse. The first pic is my fav. Anyway, enjoy! :)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hey, What Gives?

Last week I submitted to several literary agencies about Khaladin. About ten or so. And you know what?

I have recieved no rejection letters.

This is wierd. Normally I get rejection letter just days, if not hours, after sending my query. And now....


It makes me wonder if the agencies are still alive out there. This is totally not normal. I know the old saying of no news is good news but I don't really believe that.

Kinda funny when the writer starts looking for the rejection letters rather than hoping for the interested agent. But seriously, this has never happened to me before.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Been Busy

Whew! I just sent out a mess of queries for Khaladin and there's even more to send! Even more research to do. Even more agent hunting.

Let the prowling begin. :)

On a non-writing note, I am now enrolled in a local community college and I am going to go for my Physical Therapy Assistant Associate's Degree. I've got to do a lot to get in, as the program only accepts 30 people each year.

So, yeah, that's even more time away from writing. But sometimes life gets in the way. And that's when you just make time to do what you love. :)

Catch ya later! I'll keep you updated on the queries! :D